Kansas City, MO — June 8, 2020 — Agriculture Future of America and its partners have selected more than 160 students for a unique scholarship program.
Through the AFA Leader and Academic Scholarship program, students gain access to premier personal and professional development and financial assistance for their college education. Scholarships are awarded at the national and community level. Each selected student is pursuing a four-year degree and a career in agriculture.
Community scholarships were awarded to over 70 local agriculture students this year. Volunteers from each community, raise funds for these awards, which are matched by AFA to create the leader and academic award.
AFA selected over 50 national AFA Leader and Academic Scholars this year. These scholars included both graduating high school seniors and current college students. Partners who invest in the national scholarship program include leading agriculture organizations, foundations, universities and individuals. Those who invested in the program this year include the following:
American Royal Association
American Soybean Association
Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives
Belles of the American Royal Organization
California Cotton Alliance
Dairy Farmers of American, Inc.
Roderick J. and Jo Anne Cyr Foundation
Russ Weathers
The Sosland Foundation
William J. Collins Foundation
For a full list of community and national scholars, visit www.agfuture.org/2020scholars.
AFA and its partners are committed to investing in student leader development. This is why the scholarship program includes sponsorship to AFA Leaders Conference. Conference is AFA’s key leader development event, providing soft skill training and connecting students with their peers and industry professionals.
AFA looks forward to welcoming over 800 students from across the nation Nov. 12-15 for the 2020 AFA Leaders Conference. College students pursuing careers in agriculture and food may apply for Conference until Sept. 14. Conference typically takes place in Kansas City, Missouri. AFA plans to make a formal determination about whether the event will be held in-person or virtually this year in July. For more information about Conference and updates, visit www.agfuture.org/conference.